Trailer: Hello and my initial thoughts about AI music

The Illiac Suite: A Podcast on AI-Driven Music:

Join me as we dive into the ever-evolving world of AI-generated music, where algorithms become the composers and machines become the virtuosos. Yes, this music and text was written by a computer and I am not real, but

I am and my name is Dennis Kastrup.

- Hello human listeners, welcome to the Illiac Suite, named after the first song ever composed by a computer in 1957
- Let me introduce you:
- I am a journalist from Berlin
- I work for public radio in Germany and Canada
- In the last 25 years my focus was on music in general, interviewing musicians and bands from all over the world
- I got hooked on music and new technologies like robots, wearables, prosthetics, VR/AR, drones and artificial intelligence, especially in 2016
- To see emerging new ways of making music and interacting with music was and is fascinating for me
- Since then, it was an amazing ride on waves of resistance, development, excitement and discussion
- Especially in the field of artificial intelligence
- From the moment AI got into my focus, I had to explain audiences on radio in the beginning a lot: What exactly is an AI? What does it do? How does it work? And I also had to calm them down: No, it will not replace musicians, it is a tool
- The magic word “tool” was always part of any interview I did with artists who experimented with artificial intelligence
- tools like synthesizer, drum machines, vocoder or sampler, they all were in the end an add on to the great variety of music that is out there
- AI will play the same role
- Yes, it will shake the industry and some music makers will have problems to get paid, I am aware of that
- But the creativity in AI music will have a lot of amazing songs for us on the plate
- I am sure that music will surprise us ….again
- As Kraftwerk said it in their song “Techno Pop”: It will go on and on / Music as a carrier of ideas
- I want to celebrate that with the Illiac Suite here with you
- I will only play songs that have been written by an AI, or an AI took a major role in producing a song
- I will present you also interviews I have already done and more interviews that I will do in the future
- Just like a normal radio show, but with AI music in the focus
- Disclaimer: There is a risk that in the first episodes, weeks or even months the music is still not that good, we are at the beginning
- I am aware of that
- But with time we will get there, AI music will dominate the charts, I am 100% sure
- And I will talk to you soon in the first episode of the Illiac Suite with the makers of “OperAI”, the first label that signs only AI musicians
- So: I hope I got you hooked on
- Follow this podcast to be updated, when the first episode will be out
- My name is Dennis Kastrup, and I am human

Creators and Guests

Dennis Kastrup
Dennis Kastrup
Dennis is a radio journalist in the music business since over 20 years. He has conducted over 1000 interviews with artists from all over the world and works for major public radio stations in Germany and Canada. His focus these days is on “music and technology” – Artficial Intelligence, Robotics, Wearables, VR/AR, Prosthetics and so on. He produces the podcast “The Illiac Suite - Music And Artificial Intelligence”. This interest made him also start „Wicked Artists“: a booking agency for creative tech and new media art.
Trailer: Hello and my initial thoughts about AI music
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