02: Hits, Hits, Hits! - "It is liberating"!

For this episode I did a deep dive into the current status of the A.I. music scene: What is out there? Who is making music with the help of A.I.? And most important: How do they do it? I talked to some of the artists behind the songs and will play their music, among them Max Weisel and the Matt Chu (MelloFlowz).

Thanks to Max and Matt for the nice chat.
Contact me on my homepage: Dennis Kastrup

Or on instagram: The Illiac Suite

I produced all of "The Illiac Suite" myself (with a little help from some A.I.).
Photo Credit: Dall-E
Underlaying Music: Mubert

Mello: https://www.youtube.com/@MelloFlowz/videos
Rihanna: https://soundcloud.com/user-328414592
Frain Sinatra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWlR83k4N9A
Grimes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWlR83k4N9A
Grimes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vmHTHJyqP8
Grimes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6fVOoZxdQQ

Thanks for listening!

...and check out my agency Wicked Artists! 

DISCLAIMER: The content displayed in this podcast, including but not limited to the musical renditions and AI voice synthesis, is intended solely for entertainment. 

Creators and Guests

Dennis Kastrup
Dennis Kastrup
Dennis is a radio journalist in the music business since over 20 years. He has conducted over 1000 interviews with artists from all over the world and works for major public radio stations in Germany and Canada. His focus these days is on “music and technology” – Artficial Intelligence, Robotics, Wearables, VR/AR, Prosthetics and so on. He produces the podcast “The Illiac Suite - Music And Artificial Intelligence”. This interest made him also start „Wicked Artists“: a booking agency for creative tech and new media art.
02: Hits, Hits, Hits! - "It is liberating"!
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